CFP: Postcolonial Revisions of Early Modern Histories (3/1/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Mona Narain
contact email: 

3/1/04; Book Collection)
Unpublished essays that engage the Postcolonial treatment of Early Modern
texts and contexts from the perspective of contemporary novelists are
invited for a collection entitled Postcolonial Revisions of Early Modern
Histories. The book furthers a dialogue not only between Postcolonial and
Early Modern Studies from the relatively neglected vantage point of the
Postcolonial fiction writer, but also seeks to revise Postcolonial Studies
by extending its attention to regions and literatures that are only
beginning to be included in its corpus. As such then, contributions that
examine relatively under-theorized "postcolonial" locations in Africa, Latin
America, Asia, aboriginal Australia and the Pacific Islands, as well as
those that rethink the important touchstone locations for Postcolonial
Studies, such as the Caribbean and South Asia, are of interest.
Submit a brief CV and a two page proposal to Bernadette Andrea
( <> , Tel: 210 458 5341) or Mona
Narain ( <> , Tel: 210 458 5339) by
March 1, 2004.

Mailing Address:
Dr. Bernadette Andrea OR
Dr. Mona Narain
Department of English, Classics and Philosophy
University of Texas at San Antonio
6900 N. Loop, 1604 west
San Antonio, TX 78249
English Dept Fax: 210 458 5366

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Received on Wed Jan 28 2004 - 23:03:02 EST