CFP: Literary Modernism and Music (5/1/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Robert Mcparland
contact email: 

Literary Modernism and Music 5/1/04

Essays on literary modernism and music are sought as contributions to a =
collection to be
published by a university press. Of particular interest are essays which =
investigate the=20
intersections of music and language; musical awareness and techniques in =
Joyce, Woolf,
Hemingway, Mann and other novelists; the impact of music upon American =
modernist poets
such as Pound or Stevens; the influence of texts upon the musical =
creativity of modernist
composers (Antheil, Stravinsky, etc.). Papers from literary and =
musicological perspectives
are welcome.
Submissions should be received by May 1, 2004.
Professor Robert P. McParland,

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Received on Mon Feb 02 2004 - 23:09:34 EST