CFP: Clarion; A Women's Critical Journal (undergrad, grad, & indep scholar) (3/15/04; journal issue)
We invite you to submit academic and critical essays to a new
student-led online literary journal, _Clarion: A Women's Critical
Journal_. _Clarion_ is an undergraduate and graduate student-led,
annual online journal whose purpose is to provide a forum for
publication of critical papers with the central theme involving
women's writing, literary women writers, and women's issues in
Hosted by the Letters Division of Mills College (Oakland, CA), the journal
promotes the publication of thoughtful, critical expression of women's
discourse as it relates to literary and analytical research.
Undergraduate, graduate, and independent scholars are welcome to visit
our website at to look at submission
guidelines. The deadline to submit essays for the first issue of Clarion
is March 15. The most notable submission will receive a monetary award.
Mills College is the only women's college to publish critical work
for and about literary women in an online format and one of few
online journals offering analysis of women and literature through
academic writing.
Note that _Clarion_ appears best when viewed in recent versions of
modern browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, Netscape
Navigator 6, or Mozilla 1.0.
We ask that you pass this information on to others who may be interested
in submitting their work, and we look forward to reading your work soon!
_Clarion_ editors
Hard copies may be delivered to:
ATTN: Clarion: A Women's Critical Journal
Mills College
Sage Box 262
5000 MacArthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94613
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Feb 08 2004 - 18:45:07 EST