CFP: The Inklings and Mere Christianity (3/8/04; no conf. dates noted)

full name / name of organization: 
Goodman, Crystal
contact email: 


How do the Inklings define "mere Christianity"? What essential doctrines
do they share in their Christian community? How do they express these
ideas through imaginative literature, philosophy, and theology? How is
"mere Christianity" applicable to contemporary Christianity?

Thematic papers on the essence of Christianity as developed in the
apologetic, theological, and/or literary works of C.S. Lewis and/or the
Inklings are especially welcome. To be eligible for conference acceptance,
complete papers or 250-word abstracts are due by March 8, 2004 (we have
extended our deadline).

Papers and proposals are also invited exploring all aspects of the study
of the life, times, and writings of C.S. Lewis and the other Inklings
(J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, and others).
Undergraduate students are invited to submit papers to be considered for
presentation in designated undergraduate sessions.

Papers on the conference will be considered for a $250 cash award. The
best undergraduate paper will receive a $100 prize. Once notified of
conference acceptance, presenters must submit complete papers by the March
8th deadline, to be eligible for best paper award.

Accepted papers from registered conference participants will be eligible
for publication in an electronic conference proceedings (World Wide Web
and/or CD).


All electronic submissions should be according to the following guidelines:

- File format: Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- The entire submission must be contained in a single file
- Send one e-mail message for each submission, with the following information:

1. Subject: Submission to CSLI CONFERENCE
2. Text body: Exact title of paper, author's name, affiliation, and contact information.
3. Attachment: a single .DOC or .RTF file


(903) 233 3309


Harvey Solganick
Department of English
LeTourneau University
P.O. Box 7001
Longview, TX 75607-7001

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Feb 19 2004 - 01:55:08 EST