
displaying 1 - 15 of 20

CFP: Engendering Globalization (6/30/04; anthology)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am

Call for papers for Anthology

"Feminisms Reclaimed: Engendering Development, Global Capitalism, and the Modern"

The recent obsession with Post/modernity and globalization has left many caught up in a discourse of glocality and social change on the one hand and global policing and multi-national corporate financing on the other. Though recently some have turned their attention toward women and gender mainstreaming in these discourses, it is unclear whether or not this new focus on women can cross disciplinary and policy divides. Nor is it clear that focusing on women is in fact unpacking gender negotiations or employing feminist ethics.

CFP: Money in American Literature (7/15/04; essay collection)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am

Call for Papers: Money in American Literature (7-15-2004/essay collection)

We are seeking abstracts or papers for an essay collection on all forms of
money--from wampum to credit cards-- in American literature. We are interested
in all aspects of this topic, from discussions of money in literary texts to
the relation between monetary and literary practices. Please send abstracts or
papers to either Hildegard Hoeller at hilhllr_at_aol.com or Alec Marsh at
marsh_at_muhlenberg.edu by July 15th. Earlier inquiries are welcome.

CFP: Engendering Globalization (6/30/04; anthology)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am

Call for papers for Anthology

"Feminisms Reclaimed: Engendering Development, Global Capitalism, and the Modern"

The recent obsession with Post/modernity and globalization has left many caught up in a discourse of glocality and social change on the one hand and global policing and multi-national corporate financing on the other. Though recently some have turned their attention toward women and gender mainstreaming in these discourses, it is unclear whether or not this new focus on women can cross disciplinary and policy divides. Nor is it clear that focusing on women is in fact unpacking gender negotiations or employing feminist ethics.

CFP: Engendering Globalization (6/30/04; anthology)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am

Call for papers for Anthology

"Feminisms Reclaimed: Engendering Development, Global Capitalism, and the Modern"

The recent obsession with Post/modernity and globalization has left many caught up in a discourse of glocality and social change on the one hand and global policing and multi-national corporate financing on the other. Though recently some have turned their attention toward women and gender mainstreaming in these discourses, it is unclear whether or not this new focus on women can cross disciplinary and policy divides. Nor is it clear that focusing on women is in fact unpacking gender negotiations or employing feminist ethics.

CFP: Money in American Literature (7/15/04; essay collection)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am

Call for Papers: Money in American Literature (7-15-2004/essay collection)

We are seeking abstracts or papers for an essay collection on all forms of
money--from wampum to credit cards-- in American literature. We are interested
in all aspects of this topic, from discussions of money in literary texts to
the relation between monetary and literary practices. Please send abstracts or
papers to either Hildegard Hoeller at hilhllr_at_aol.com or Alec Marsh at
marsh_at_muhlenberg.edu by July 15th. Earlier inquiries are welcome.

CFP: Poetry Translations relating Poetry and Politics (3/1/04; journal issue)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Martha McCrummen Fraser Kelly

Mantis, a Stanford-based journal of Poetry, Translation and Criticism, is
currently seeking translations of poetry to be included in its upcoming
issue, _Mantis 4: Poetry and Politics_. Translations must relate to
issue topic.

Send up to 4 previously unpublished translations in Word format to
Editor--Martha Kelly mantis_dlcl_at_stanford.edu

Deadline: 3/1/04

CFP: Poetry Translations relating Poetry and Politics (3/1/04; journal issue)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Martha McCrummen Fraser Kelly

Mantis, a Stanford-based journal of Poetry, Translation and Criticism, is
currently seeking translations of poetry to be included in its upcoming
issue, _Mantis 4: Poetry and Politics_. Translations must relate to
issue topic.

Send up to 4 previously unpublished translations in Word format to
Editor--Martha Kelly mantis_dlcl_at_stanford.edu

Deadline: 3/1/04

CFP: EAPSU Online: All Topics (3/15/04; new journal)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Kim Martin Long

CFP General Call, EAPSU Online (new journal: 3/15/04)

The English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities (EAPSU) is =
beginning a new online peer-reviewed journal that will publish both =
critical and creative work. We have room for a few good submissions for =
our first issue, to be published fall 2004. Although we primarily seek =
work from Pennsylvania scholars and writers, we will consider all =
submissions (of any length) that have not been published elsewhere =
(although revised conference presentations are permissable).

CFP: Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture (journal)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Jo Littler

Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture

Editors: Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin

Soundings is looking to expand its base of book reviewers.

If you are interested in reviewing a book, please send a few sentences
outlining your main areas of interest to jo.littler_at_ntlworld.com

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature for high school students (no deadline; book)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature for high school students (no
dealine; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
college students, is seeking a general editor to oversee a multi-volume
encyclopedia of American literature. The ideal editor will be an expert on
standards for the teaching of literature to high school students, and have
extensive experience, good managerial and editorial skills, and many
contacts among possible contributors to the encyclopedia. If interested
please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to

CFP: Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture (journal)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Jo Littler

Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture

Editors: Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin

Soundings is looking to expand its base of book reviewers.

If you are interested in reviewing a book, please send a few sentences
outlining your main areas of interest to jo.littler_at_ntlworld.com

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature for high school students (no deadline; book)

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 5:02am
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature for high school students (no
dealine; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
college students, is seeking a general editor to oversee a multi-volume
encyclopedia of American literature. The ideal editor will be an expert on
standards for the teaching of literature to high school students, and have
extensive experience, good managerial and editorial skills, and many
contacts among possible contributors to the encyclopedia. If interested
please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to
