CFP: Engendering Globalization (6/30/04; anthology)

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Call for papers for Anthology

"Feminisms Reclaimed: Engendering Development, Global Capitalism, and the Modern"

The recent obsession with Post/modernity and globalization has left many caught up in a discourse of glocality and social change on the one hand and global policing and multi-national corporate financing on the other. Though recently some have turned their attention toward women and gender mainstreaming in these discourses, it is unclear whether or not this new focus on women can cross disciplinary and policy divides. Nor is it clear that focusing on women is in fact unpacking gender negotiations or employing feminist ethics.

This collection hopes to critically re/examine women, feminism, and discourses of masculinity in light of the global era. Essays can be from either the social sciences or the humanities and are strongly encouraged to be interdisciplinary in approach. There are no regional exclusions but emphasis will be placed on the global South (particularly the Caribbean, Latin America, and Africa), Eastern Europe, and Indigenous groups throughout the world. Successful essays will be feminist (including black feminist, mujerista, third and fourth world feminist, etc.) and have innovative approaches and strong evidence. Essays specifically addressing methods and theories for doing feminist work on globalization (both existing and positing new ones), and highlighting regions often left out of discourses of globalization are strongly encouraged.




water rights

land tenure

informal and formal economy

cyber communities

gender based violence

grassroots organizing


faith based communities and gender negotiation

spatial negotiation

disability studies


alternative currencies

women's health: new reproductive technologies, sterilization, HIV, etc.

bio-ethics, bio-engineering, etc.

Abstract should be submitted in English (though there maybe a possibility of inclusion of final essays in Spanish, French and Japanese. If you are more comfortable in one of these other languages please indicate that on your abstract.)

There is a two part selection process:

   250 word abstract due June 30, 2004 with accompanying 150 word biography, short-CV, and contact information. Abstracts will be blind reviewed, so supporting material should be a separate attachment.
    Invited papers due November 15, 2004. Essays should be between 20 and 35 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, with 1.5 inch margins. You should use endnote and include bibliography and all supporting materials (photographs, pamphlets, art, etc.). For any materials that you need permission to reprint, you should begin the process of obtaining permissions at abstract stage.

 No papers will be reviewed without having gone through the abstract process. Authors are encouraged to begin writing their pieces at the same time or before submitting their abstracts since no extensions will be granted.

There is no publisher at this time but authors will be informed of publisher information as soon as it is available.

Inquiries and abstract submissions should be sent to Luz Verastegui at

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat Feb 21 2004 - 00:02:42 EST