CFP: Thunderbirds Television Series (ongoing; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Joan Marie Verba

Call for Papers

Mobile Control
A Journal for the Thunderbirds Television Series

Mission Statement:

Mobile Control is a refereed journal for the study of the
Supermarionation television series, Thunderbirds. Source material
includes all episodes as well as the two movies Thunderbirds Are Go! and
Thunderbird 6. The purpose of the journal is to provide information and
enjoyment to both scholars and fans, and to promote interest in the

Submission guidelines:

The journal welcomes proposals and completed essays on any aspect of
Thunderbirds. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:
sociological, cultural, and scientific aspects of the show, narrative
structure, family dynamics, character analyses, and audience studies.

The journal prefers lengths of 1000-5000 words (please consult the
editor before submitting shorter or longer essays). Proposals and
submissions may be sent as attached files or in the body of an e-mail.
Preferred formats include MS-Word .doc, or .rtf, or .txt. Files may also
be mailed on floppy disk. All submissions should be sent to the editor
(address below).

The journal accepts articles in a variety of documentation styles;
however, all submissions should include a list of works cited (if any).
Please use endnotes instead of footnotes (superscript not necessary, a
number in brackets such as [1] will be sufficient). International
submissions are encouraged; spelling will conform to the standard of the
author's country of origin. All other formatting issues will be guided
by the Chicago Manual of Style.


The journal will be published online and in print, as submissions are
received. If sufficient submissions are received by May 15, 2004, the
first issue may be published by August 1, 2004. (If you're reading this
after May 15, 2004, please continue to send submissions!)

Journal staff:
If you are interested in joining the journal staff as a submissions
reader, please contact the editor.

Joan Marie Verba
P O Box 1363
Minnetonka, MN 55345-0363

Please feel free to circulate this announcement to interested parties.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat Feb 21 2004 - 00:02:37 EST
