CFP: Performance in the Long 18th Century: Theatre, Music, Dance (book series)

full name / name of organization: 
Erika Gaffney
contact email: 

Announcing a new series from Ashgate Publishing Company

Studies in Performance in the Long Eighteenth Century: Theatre, Music, Dance

Series Editors: Jane Milling, University of Exeter and Kathryn Lowerre,
Michigan State University

Focusing on performance culture during the long eighteenth century, this
series offers studies in all types of cultural performance including
theatre, opera, dance, musical performance, and popular entertainments. It
is a forum for interdisciplinary work, drawing the debates of historians and
musicologists as well as literary, dance, theatre and opera scholars into a
creative symbiosis.

The editors welcome studies which are concerned with British, European, and
early American cultural history. Studies that concern themselves with
theoretical questions surrounding acts of performance during this period are
also welcome.

This series offers an invigorating venue for histories of theatre, music,
dance, and opera, which concentrate on aspects of performance; performers,
impresarios, venues, movements, modes of performance.

Proposals should take the form of either
1. a preliminary letter of inquiry, briefly describing the project; or
2. a formal prospectus including: abstract, table of contents, sample
chapter, estimate of length, estimate of the number and type of
illustrations to be included, and a c.v.

Please send three copies of either type of proposal (one to each of the
series editors and one to the publisher) to the addresses below:

Dr. Jane Milling
Department of Drama
School of Performance Arts
New North Road
Exeter EX4 4LA

Dr. Kathryn Lowerre
School of Music
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1043

Erika Gaffney, Editor
Ashgate Publishing Company
101 Cherry Street, Suite 420
Burlington, VT 05401-4405

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Received on Sun Feb 22 2004 - 22:18:01 EST
