UPDATE: Philip Roth Studies (new journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Philip Roth Society



Editor, Derek Parker Royal - Texas A&M University-Commerce
Associate Editor, Jessica G. Rabin - Anne Arundel Community College
Book Review Editor, Victoria Aarons - Trinity University

Editorial Advisory Board
David Brauner - The University of Reading (UK)
Jay L. Halio - University of Delaware
Patrick O'Donnell - Michigan State University
Ranen Omer-Sherman - University of Miami
Bernard F. Rodgers, Jr. - Simon's Rock College at Bard
Jeffrey Rubin-Dorsky - University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Elaine B. Safer - University of Delaware
George J. Searles - SUNY, Mohawk Valley Community College
Debra Shostak - The College of Wooster
Daniel Walden - Pennsylvania State University

PHILIP ROTH STUDIES, a new scholarly journal, will be published
semi-annually by the Philip Roth Society. The journal is now accepting
submissions for prospective publication. Topics are open and the call is
ongoing. The inaugural issue is planned for fall 2004. If you are
interested in submitting your work, please send two copies of the
manuscript, without the author's name, along with a separate cover sheet
identifying the author. Manuscripts and book reviews must be prepared
according to the MLA Style Manual and should contain endnotes rather than
footnotes. Individuals whose works are accepted for publication must supply
them in both paper and electronic format (Microsoft Word). Articles should
be between 3,000-7,000 words in length. Please include a SASE with
submission to:

Derek P. Royal, Editor
Philip Roth Studies
Dept. of Literature and Languages
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Commerce, TX 75429-3011

Subscription to the publication comes with membership to the society. For
more information on membership and on PHILIP ROTH STUDIES, visit the Roth
Society Web site at http://rothsociety.org.

Please share the news and announce this new journal to your colleagues and

Philip Roth Society
Dept. of Literature and Languages
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Phone: 903-886-5275 Fax: 903-886-5980

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Mar 02 2004 - 01:57:39 EST