CFP: Creolization and Caribbean Basin Romanticism, 1750-1850 (6/1/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
K. Pratt

Creolization and Caribbean Basin Romanticism, 1750-1850 (6/01/04;

We seek contributions for a volume of article-length essays on creolization
and Caribbean Basin Romanticism.  We also welcome contributions that explore
representations of Caribbean Basin culture in European Romanticism. We
conceive the cultures of the Caribbean Basin to include ethnic and national
groups in the Southern U.S., the Caribbean islands (including but not
limited to Cuba, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and/or
other nations/colonies) and Mexico.  We plan to address this question: What
practices and ideas do cultures and literatures of this region and
historical period share, including the spread of abolitionist discourse,
Jewish testimonials amidst anti-Semitism, legal discourse, political
oppression of conquered cultures, representations of the Native Other,
concerns with translation, hybridized languages, travel discourse,
hybridity, race theory, seaport economic features, and other phenomena that
render Caribbean Basin culture distinctive and cohesive?    Send 3-4 page
(750-1000 word) abstracts to and

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Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 21:25:31 EST
