CFP: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of Jane Eyre (10/31/04; collection)
CFP: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of Jane Eyre (10/31/04;
Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre has gained an immense popularity, even cult
status - at least with the English reading public. It has challenged a
host of creative writers, theatre directors and scholars of diverse
critical schools alike and thus inspired numerous intertextual and
intermedial reworkings, modern versions, prequels, sequels, adaptations
for the stage, film versions and has even been turned into music. Some of
the rewritings of Jane Eyre appear to have achieved an almost canonical
status themselves, such as Jean Rhys's postcolonial prequel Wide Sargasso
Sea. We would like to collect and publish contributions that analyse (and
possibly compare) these intermedial reworkings in order to explore the
appeal Jane Eyre seems to hold for modern audiences. We thus welcome
contributions covering a wide range of Jane Eyre adaptations in the
broadest possible sense and in a variety of media such as drama, film,
fiction, music, modern art, cyberspace, comics, etc. - in short, any kind
of rewriting or derivation which borrows recognizable elements from Jane
Abstracts (in English, roughly 300 words) and a short CV should be sent by
e-mail to: Prof. Margarete Rubik ( Tel:
+43-1- 4277-42471 or Dr. Elke Mettinger-Schartmann
( Tel: +43-1-4277-42474 Department
of English, University of Vienna, Universitätscampus AAKH, Hof 8,
Spitalgasse 2-4, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
The deadline for abstracts is October 31, 2004.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Mar 23 2004 - 00:56:34 EST