UPDATE: Shakespeare in China (3/30/04 for MLA '04; 5/24/04 for journal issue '06)

full name / name of organization: 
Douglas Brooks
contact email: 

Updated abstract deadline

In conjunction with the theme of the 2006 issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare in China" (co-edited with Lingui Yang), the
journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual Meeting
of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2004).

For both the MLA Session and the concomitant issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook we welcome proposals for papers on any aspect of the
reception of Shakespeare in China-scholarship, teaching, translation,
performance, publication, adaptation, and reception history.
Contributions are expected to shed light on how Shakespeare has been
received and adapted in Chinese culture. They may also focus on the
ways in which the reception of Shakespeare in China has differed from
its reception in other countries. Moreover, it is hoped that this
MLA session/SY Issue will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
between Shakespeare scholars in China and other countries.

Please submit title and 250 word of abstract of proposed paper along
with a brief scholarly bio by March 30, 2004 to Douglas A. Brooks
(dbrooks_at_tamu.edu). Digital submissions as e-mail attachments in
Rich Text Format or Microsoft Word are preferred. Proposed papers
must not exceed eight double-spaced pages in Times New Roman 12

Those prospective contributors who are unable to attend MLA, but wish
to propose essays for the issue of Shakespeare Yearbook should submit
abstracts and brief scholarly bios to Douglas A. Brooks
(dbrooks_at_tamu.edu) by May 25, 2004

The Shakespeare Yearbook is a broadly based international annual of
scholarship relating to Shakespeare, his time, and his impact on
later periods. Maximum length for contributions is 35 double-spaced
pages in Times New Roman 12 point. Citations should be formatted
according to the Chicago Manual of Style. The name of the author/s
should only appear in an accompanying cover letter. All essays are
reviewed by two readers. Digital submissions in Rich Text Format or
Microsoft Word are welcome.

--Douglas A. BrooksGeneral Editor, Shakespeare Yearbook http://www-english.tamu.edu/pubs/sjb/Associate Professor, Department of EnglishFaculty Coordinator, College of Liberal Arts Honors ProgramTexas A&M University210 B Blocker MS 4227College Station, TX 77843-4227H: 979-774-3638; W: 979-862-1411; Fax: 979-862-2292http://www-english.tamu.edu/graduate/faculty/profile.html?Brooks =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List CFP_at_english.upenn.edu Full Information at http://www.english.upenn.edu/CFP/ or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu ===============================================Received on Tue Mar 23 2004 - 00:56:34 EST
