UPDATE: Women's Short Fiction (5/31/04; collection)

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Call for Papers

Women's Short Fiction

A volume of critical essays to be published by Atlantic Publishers & Distributors. Co-editors: Dr. Mittapalli Rajeshwar and Dr. Joel Kuortti.
        We will greatly welcome your high-quality contribution to this volume which will provide an interesting international forum for the discussion of Indian women's short fiction. International
critical attention to this kind of writing has been growing lately but there are still few works that discuss Indian women's stories specifically. The present anthology seeks to amend this apparent lack. After all, the eminent scholar M. K. Naik has claimed that it was Cornelia Sorabji who pioneered the Indian short story in English. Contributions can be on individual works or on particular themes. This volume will be one of an ongoing series of critical essays by international scholars of repute, published by Atlantic Publishers & Distributors. We invite your collaboration.
        Articles could be between 5,000 and 15,000 words and in English. British spelling is preferred.
References, Endnotes, and Works Cited should conform to the latest (5th) edition of the MLA Handbook (1999) or the latest (2nd) edition of the MLA Style Manual (see the MLA website at http://www.mla.org/).
        Articles that have been previously published (in traditional and/or electronic form) are acceptable provided the copyright lies with you. Previous publication may be credited.
Submissions, preferably in MS Word 97/2000 format, may be sent either by e-mail (as an attachment) or on floppy disk to either editor. Mailing a hard copy to the editors is acceptable if you do not have access to a computer. The NEW DEADLINE for submissions will be 31 May, 2004.

Rajeshwar Mittapalli
Joel Kuortti

Please do not hesitate to contact us for all further enquiries. We are connected to The Atlantic Literary Review. You may wish to visit the ALR's website at http://www.geocities.com/atlanticliteraryreview/ and the Atlantic Publishers & Distributors site at http://www.atlanticbooks.com/ It will be much appreciated if you share the information about this anthology with your friends and colleagues.

Contact information:

Dr. Mittapalli Rajeshwar, Associate Professor of English,
Department of English, Kakatiya University, Vidyaranyapuri, Warangal 506 009, Andhra Pradesh, India. tel. +91-0870-2570523. E-mail: rajeshwar9_at_yahoo.com

Dr. Joel Kuortti, Researcher
Ketostenkatu 50, FIN-33300 Tampere, Finland. E-mail: joel.kuortti_at_tintti.net

Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, B-2, Vishal Enclave, Opp. Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 110 027 India.
Fax. +91-11-3285873; tel. +91-11-5413460, 5429987. E-mail: info@atlanticbooks.com; URL http://www.atlanticbooks.com

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Mar 23 2004 - 00:56:35 EST
