CFP: Brown v. Board of Education: Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004 (5/1/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Dara N. Byrne
contact email: 

Call For Papers
Brown v. Board of Education: Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004

       The Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund (TMSF) is inviting papers
for a forthcoming publication with the working title Brown v. Board of
Education: Its Impact on Public Education 1954-2004. This publication
will assess the extent to which equal educational opportunities for
African-Americans have been realized, analyze how educational
opportunity relates to achievement and offer direction for the 21st
century. We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Christopher Edley,
Jr., Professor of Education at Harvard University and co-founder of the
Harvard Civil Rights Project will serve as the lead contributor to this

       Equal, as Thurgood Marshall famously defined it, ". means getting
the same thing, at the same time and in the same place." How close are
we to equal access, equal resources and integrated classrooms? Authors
are invited to answer these questions by exploring any aspect of the
impact of the Brown decision on public education. Each paper should
also include insight into how improvements can be made.

       Our intention is to call on the work of researchers and educators
to provide to a picture of public education across the nation in 2004,
although authors may choose to focus on a specific region.

       Within this broad framework, we expect to include sections on:

. Public policy (e.g., vouchers, affirmative action);
. Resources (teacher quality, curriculum, special staff [counselors,
advisors, special needs], facilities, materials, technology, funding per
. Integration (by region, by population density, by grade level);
. Private schools - their development and impact on public schools;
. The role of public and private HBCUs in the education of

Guidelines for Submissions

        Faculty at TMSF colleges, other HBCUs, selected major civil
rights organizations and to scholars on civil rights issues at national
universities are invited to submit 750 word synopses of proposed
chapters and a one-page vita.

       The criteria for selecting authors will include the quality of
the synopsis, its relevance, innovation and fit within the broader scope
of other contributions. We expect to select both established and
emerging scholars for inclusion in this volume.

       Those invited to contribute chapters will be notified by June 15,
2004; completed chapters will be due by August 1, 2004. Full chapters
should be between 5500 and 7000 words.

       Synopses and one-page vitas may be submitted by email, USPS or
special courier and must be received by May 1, 2004. Submissions and
inquiries should be directed to:

       Dara N. Byrne, Ph.D.
       c/o Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund, Inc.
       90 Williams Street, Suite 1203
       New York, NY 10038
       Phone: (212) 573-8888

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Mar 25 2004 - 22:12:43 EST