UPDATE: AEQ: Teaching the Novel (10/?/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Brett McInelly
contact email: 

Academic Exchange Quarterly: Call for Manuscripts

Please note changes in submission deadlines at the following web

Whether teaching a course specifically on the novel or incorporating one
or a few novels into another type of course, educators face a unique set
of challenges when teaching the novel. Managing the reading load, making
effective use of class time while teaching a novel students are still
plodding their way through, orienting a selection of novels around a
particular theme, deciding on how much historical and contextual
information to include, and determining how much attention to give to
generic conventions are just a few of the practical concerns teachers
face when teaching the novel. The Winter 2004 issue of Academic Exchange
Quarterly is devoted to various practical and theoretical proposals that
enable the teaching of the novel to be a genuinely meaningful and
effective educational experience for students and instructors.

Who May Submit:
Manuscripts are sought from those whose experiences, methods, and
assessments in the high school or college classroom have produced
meaningful ways to teach the novel, whether in the traditional
classroom, through on-line courses, or a combination of class meetings
and web-based work. There is no restriction on the source language of
the works and approaches that could be discussed, but it is hoped that
submitted manuscripts will focus on ideas, practices, and suggestions
that, while occasionally unique to a foreign language or English
classroom, might also transcend the possible advantages and limitations
of teaching the novel in any given language.

The following provides complete details:

The print journal of AEQ has over 23,000 readers, and the electronic
version, available free world-wide, has hundreds of thousands of
potential readers as it is available from Gale's InfoTrac Expanded
Academic Index.

Thanks for considering AEQ.

Brett McInelly, Feature Editor
Brigham Young University

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Mar 29 2004 - 01:27:47 EST
