CFP: Interview Forum: Cultural Studies, Ethnography, and Anthropology (9/1/04; e-journal)
IF: InterView Forum, the new, peer-reviewed online journal of OSEA (Open
School of Ethnography and Anthropology).
IF publishes firsthand materials from ethnographic fieldwork, as well as
hyperlinks to commentaries and provocations from reviewers and readers. IF
publishes materials that contribute to specific research areas and provoke
conceptual issues in cultural anthropology and cultural studies.
Documents suitable for submission are interviews, stories, life histories,
forums, focus groups, taped encounters or interactions, photography, audio
or video footage, and other forms of sustained discourse derived from
original fieldwork, understood in an expanded sense.
Text: 10,000 word max; follow AAA style sheet. Still images: 20 images in
jpeg format with captions of 200 words per image. Audio / Video: Maximum of
5 at 3 minutes each; .mp3, .swf and .mov files (flash animations accepted).
For all submissions: No hard copies necessary; include translations where
applicable, as well as brief statement of ethnographic, historical, or
anthropological context for the materials.
Deadline for inaugural volume is September 1, 2004. More information
available at To submit or inquire email
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Apr 01 2004 - 21:25:36 EST