CFP: Current Affairs: The Life and Death of Development (5/20/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Colin Wright

Situation Analysis: A Forum for Critical Thought & International Current Affairs.
Issue 4 - "The Life and Death of Development"
Deadline for Submission: 20th May 2004

Situation Analysis is a peer-reviewed journal which appears on-line and in a hard-copy format, and currently reaches approximately 3,000 academics, activists and interested parties around the world.

The recent World Social Forum in Mumbai, and other events like it, can be said to reflect a generalised crisis in neo-liberal corporate capitalism. The World Social Forum is creating a space, however ambivalent, in which to ask, and indeed answer, the increasingly crucial question: is another world possible? This issue of Situation Analysis proposes to refine this question, by posing two further, interrelated questions: what is the future of development as the discourse which aims to guide the world towards a certain vision of the future; and what role can education play within development and in imagining an alternative world? We therefore invite submissions which explore, separately or in combination, the following threads:

Development Thread:

Sustainable Development / Post-Development / Underdevelopment / Personal testimonies of experiences of Development Projects / Theories of Development / Women and Development / Development and Poverty / Development and the Environment / The Millennium Development Goals / The future of Development Theories

Education Thread:

Education and Development / Development Education / Critiquing Human Capital Theory / Transnational Literacy / Citizenship Education / Pedagogies of the North and the South / Education and Resistance / Critical and Post-colonial Pedagogies / Development Policy and National Curricula / Learning to Unlearn

We invite academic, journalistic, creative and personal responses to these and related issues by no later than May 20th, 2004. Submissions should not normally exceed 5,000 words, be in English (unless otherwise arranged), and can initially be sent as email attachments to Authors are asked to confirm at submission that their work is not also under consideration with another journal or publisher, and are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material - including illustrations - from other sources.

For more detailed information regarding submission, and the ethos and aims of the journal, please see the Situation Analysis website at:

Dr Colin Wright
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Postgraduate School of Critical Theory and Cultural Studies
University of Nottingham NG7 2RD

Tel: (++44) 0115 9515388

Co-founder of Situation Analysis: A Forum for Critical Thought
& International Current Affairs

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Received on Thu Apr 08 2004 - 19:08:45 EDT