CFP: Postcolonial Food (4/30/04; journal issue)

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Postcolonial Studies Journal: Special Issue: "Postcolonial Food"

Postcolonial Studies is calling for contributions on the topic
of 'Postcolonial Food'. An early reviewer of Claudia Roden's 1968 A Book of
Middle Eastern Food, described the text as 'a work of cultural anthropology'.
The quote is a little misleading: for Roden not only describes a set of
foreign culinary practices, she gives recipes for their recreation. Imagine of
Postcolonial Studies saw that as its mission. We have devoted a great deal of
time to the critique of representation, but rather less to the possibility of
intercultural communication, not to mention learning.

By taking postcolonial food as our empirical and conceptual object, we are
seeking to investigate alternative ways of thinking through issues of ethnic
identity, global communication, interculturality and translatability. This
investigation could involve descriptions of the postcolonial thinking either
implicit or explicit within the cookery writing of figures like Roden, Ken
Hom, Madhu Jaffrey etc. It could enter into empirical analyses of the actual
spread of various cuisines throughout the world. It could entail
considerations of TV chefs as agents of cultural diffusion, reconsiderations
of the metaphor 'consumerism', or even general philosophical / political
considerations of the issues raised in this call for papers.

This special issue of Postcolonial Studies will mainly comprise peer-refereed
academic articles. We are, however, also devoting some space to creative
writing, creative non-fiction and other artwork on the theme. If you are
interested in submitting work in such a format please contact guest editor
Paul Magee:

Alternatively, please send up to 2-page abstracts or writing samples by 30
April 2004 to Postcolonial Studies,
Final submissions will be due by 30 June 2004

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Apr 08 2004 - 02:51:15 EDT
