UPDATE: Teaching Bibliography & Book History (various; collection)

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A number of potential contributors have requested time past the=20
original deadline to submit an abstract to the "Teaching Bibliography=20
and Book History" collection. Therefore, it only seems fair to offer=20
the same opportunity to others as well.

If you were interested in submitting a proposal but missed the deadline=20=

due to other obligations, please contact me and we'll set up a new=20

Thanks to all those who submitted proposals--I will be sending those=20
along to the editorial board in the next week.

I've appended the original call below my signature.

Ann Hawkins

---Ann R. HawkinsAssistant Professor of BibliographyDepartment of EnglishTexas Tech UniversityLubbock TX 79409806 742 2500 x296Teaching Bibliography, Textual Criticism, and Book HistoryTeaching Bibliography, Textual Criticism, and Book History will offer a=20=variety of approaches to incorporating discussions of book history or=20print culture into graduate and undergraduate classrooms. TBH will=20consider the book as a literary, historical, cultural, and aesthetic=20object.TBH will offer discussions on book history pedagogy by a variety of=20scholars who teach bibliography, textual criticism, or book history in=20=a range of courses, departments, and settings.The volume will address the following questions:=95What strategies (and materials) do teachers use to bring book history=20=or textual criticism into the classroom?=95How do teachers define book history in their classrooms?=95How do teachers incorporate issues of authorship, reading, and=20publishing into the curriculum?=95What values does teaching book history bring to the classroom?=95What purposes do teachers hope to fulfill by raising such issues in=20=their curriculum?=95Does teaching book history require teachers to reconceptualize=20existing courses or can it be added into existing classes effectively?=95What issues and questions do such courses raise for bibliography in=20=particular and for the curriculum in general?=95What purpose does teaching book history in the undergraduate=20curriculum serve?=95What purpose does teaching book history in the graduate curriculum=20serve?Subjects of essays may include, but are not limited to, the following:=95Book history and print culture=95Bibliographic theory, textual criticism, and editing=95The role of critical theory in the methods course=95The role of technology in the research process=95The limitations and advantages of technological tools=95Teaching descriptive bibliography=95Teaching analytical bibliography=95Outlines or surveys of course organization with rationales=95Establishing cooperative relationships with libraries, booksellers,=20=publishers, and printersProposals of 400 words.Completed essays will run between 2000-3000 words.Inquiries welcomed. =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List CFP_at_english.upenn.edu Full Information at http://www.english.upenn.edu/CFP/ or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu ===============================================Received on Thu Apr 08 2004 - 02:51:04 EDT