CFP: Arab Women's Autobiographical Writings in English (6/15/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Nawar Golley
contact email: 

Edited Book on Recent Arab Women's Autobiographical Writings in English
Call for contribution

    My book Reading Arab Women's Autobiographies. Shahrazad Tells Her
Story was published last November (2003) by Texas University Press.
The book fills a gap in the field. Texas University Press expressed
interest in another book in the same area.
    In the book, I looked at autobiographical, fictional
autobiographical and anthologies of interviews with women. I read texts
by Huda Shaarawi, Nawal El-Saadawi, Fadwa Tuqan, Bouthaina Shaaban,
Fatima Mernissi, and Nayra Atiya. The book also examined the
sociopolitical background of the texts as well as the tradition of
narrative theory.

I intend to edit another book that examines more recent autobiographical
writings by Arab women to examine the development of Arab women's
Period: 1970/1980-

    Suggested authors include;
            Ghada Al-Samman, Hanan Al-Shaikh, Ahdaf Soueif, Samar Attar,
Fay Afaf Kanafani, Fatima Mernissi, Haifa Zangana, ...

    Suggested issues include;
- The Completed "Self" and the "Autobiographical Pact"
- Subjectivity in Process
- Referentiality: Autobiography and Truth
- Individual/Collective (Relational) Identity
- Private versus Public
- Postmodern Arab Women's Subjectivity
- Postcolonial Arab Women's Identity

    If interested in contributing to this book, kindly send an abstract
of 500-800 words by June 15th, 2004 to Nawar Golley at
Notification of acceptance will be by June 30th. Final papers are due
Nov 30th , 2004.
    If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me any time.

Thank you.

Nawar Al-Hassan Golley (Ph. D.)
Department of English & Translation Studies
American University of Sharjah
P. O. Box 26666
Tel: 00971 6 515 2703
Fax: 00971 6 515 2570

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Received on Tue Apr 13 2004 - 21:26:16 EDT