UPDATE: Feminist Studies: Within Hostile Borders (5/15/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Andreea D. Boboc

Update: Michigan Feminist Studies Extents Its Call for Papers to MAY 15,

In addition, Michigan Feminist Studies organizes a JOURNAL COVER DESIGN
COMPETION, with the submission deadline May 15, 2004. The cover design
should reflect this year's theme, Within Hostile Borders. We welcome cover
design contributions from art departments across the country as well as
international submissions from undergraduate and graduate students.


Michigan Feminist Studies

Seeks submissions for its 2004 issue:


This issue will consider how feminist work constructs a politics of location
within and against global and local narratives that construct ideological,
political or representational borders hostile to those living within. We
welcome contributions from all disciplines. We also invite book and film
reviews related to this topic as well as visual materials which may be
considered for reproduction on the cover of this volume.

Topics may include:

feminization / femininity / the 'feminine' on the borders
(trans)gendering borders
productive borders: imagining communities, creating and contesting
foreign nationals constructing a politics of location
law-making on / of the borders
borders and labor in the new world economy
warfare and the production of (gendered) borders
mobile territories and gendered maps
language of the border (linguistic or generic deconstructions)
mobility, traffic, contamination, and gender: how borders are shifted and
sexual / economic exchanges across borders
labor, sexuality, and traffic of bodies across and between borders
borderlands, borderlines, and hybrid territories
historicizing borderlands: stories / histories from the edges
militarized subjects creating and crossing borders
(un)bounded geographies? : trade, travel, pilgrimage, warfare, colonization

Michigan Feminist Studies is an annual publication edited by graduate
students at the University of Michigan. MFS particularly encourages
interdisciplinary submissions, and has published papers in many disciplines,
including anthropology, sociology, psychology, literature, language &
linguistics, science studies, history, philosophy, art history, film,
political science, and education. Graduate students, independent scholars
and activists are invited to apply.

Manuscripts should be 4000-6000 words, and double-spaced. Please submit
three single-sided copies, and include a 150-200 word abstract, brief
biographical note, institutional and departmental affiliation, address,
telephone number, and e-mail address. Papers may be submitted in the
accepted format of your academic discipline (e.g., MLA, APA). If your paper
is selected, you will be asked to submit an electronic file.

Mail submissions to:
Michigan Feminist Studies
1122 Lane Hall
204 South State Street
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290
Inquiries can be directed to mfs.editors_at_umich.edu

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Apr 13 2004 - 21:26:22 EDT
