CFP: DLB American Poets of the 21st Century (deadline various; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Richard Flynn

CFP: DLB American Poets of the 21st Century (deadline various; collection)

I am seeking contributors for The Dictionary of Literary Biography volume on
"American Poets of the 21st Century," a reference work about poets and their
lives and careers. The series is widely available in libraries and if you
are unfamiliar with the series, I suggest you look at the volumes concerning
American Poets since World War II, edited by R.S. Gwynn and Joseph Conte to
give you an idea of the format. You should also consult the web site of the
publisher, Bruccoli Clark Layman for further information:

Essays range from 4000-8000 words and will include the poets listed below.
If you are interested, please send me a brief cv and the names of three or
four poets you are interested in writing about as soon as possible by
e-mail: Richard Flynn Contributors receive a
small honorarium and a copy of the volume as payment.

4,000 words

Robin Becker
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge
Marianne Boruch
Marilyn Chin
Lynn Emanuel
Forrest Gander
Susan Hahn
Jeffrey Harrison
Juan Felipe Herrera
Tony Hoagland
Dorianne Laux
Susan Mitchell
Carol Muske-Dukes
Eric Nelson
Aldon Nielsen
Donald Revell
Bruce Smith

5,000 words

W. S. Di Piero
Mark Doty
Martin Espada
Amy Gerstler
Mark Halliday
August Kleinzahler
John Koethe
Thomas Lux
Harryette Mullen
Alice Notley
Julia Randall
Joan Retallack
James Richardson
Alan Shapiro
Reginald Shepherd
Jane Shore
Susan Stewart
Alan Williamson
Franz Wright

6,000 words

Billy Collins
Carl Dennis
J.D. McClatchy
Thomas McGrath
Sandra McPherson
Carl Phillips
Eleanor Ross Taylor
Jean Valentine

7,000 words

Fanny Howe
Donald Justice
Heather McHugh
James McMichael

8,000 words

Frank Bidart
Robert Pinsky

Richard Flynn
Editor, DLB: American Poets of the 21st Century
Dept. of Literature and Philosophy
P.O. Box 8023
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8023
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Received on Thu Apr 15 2004 - 22:43:17 EDT