CFP: Skandalon: a graduate journal of theory (7/1/04; e-journal)
Skandalon: a graduate journal of theory
Call for Papers
Skandalon is a refereed graduate e-journal edited and published by the students of the Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism, University of Western Ontario.
Within the confines of its biblical and ecclesiastical heritage, the word skandalon signifies a seductive enticement or occasion that incites behaviour that leads one to turn away from God and enter a movement towards ruin. In this very movement of reversal, however, there resides a going astray that points towards the thinking or theorizing of, or on, the scandalized.
'To scandalize' is to engage in the production of shock and outrage. The scandal of theory is that it produces 'theory junkies' that conceive ruin as something other than a destructive end. Skandalon is inspired by the temptation to (re)read theory and its texts with the aim of enticing them to ruin. We are particularly interested in reviewing manuscripts that interrogate, complicate, contort, distort and scandalize theory. This may be accomplished from a multiplicity of perspectives, with any or no end in mind.
We are currently seeking submissions for the inaugural issue, and will consider essays (4000-6000 words) that theorize scandal or scandalize theory. All theoretical approaches are welcomed. In matters of citation, it is assumed that the proper MLA format will be followed.
Please send your submissions in a Word document as email attachments to, and carbon-copy them to or on a diskette and hard copy to:
The Centre for the Study of Theory & Criticism
University of Western Ontario
Visual Arts Centre 200F
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 5B7
Deadline: July 1, 2004. Successful contributors will be notified of their acceptance by email.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Apr 15 2004 - 22:43:10 EDT