CFP: Philament Journal: Ornament (grad) (6/11/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization:

PHILAMENT invites contributors for its fifth edition. This upcoming issue is to
circulate around ideas of Ornament.

Deadline: Friday 11th June 2004.

Ornament. So, for example, you might like to write an article about puritanical
insignia in early American literature, or about the physical and psychological
scarring of teenagers in young adult literature. Equally, you could submit a
paper on the translational slippage between scripts (transcript, manuscript,
etc) on the road to publication. Any way you look at it, you are writing about
ornament. And you ornament as you do so. Maybe you could write about that.

Go on then, adorn us.

Ornamental ideas, suggestions, texts or otherwise:

# ornament # decoration # Christmas # gifts # wrapping # ribbon (Rousseau's
purloined ribbon, ribbon in hair - a lock of hair) # presentation # pretension
# surfaces (bodies, veneers, laminates, plastic, natural vs. unnatural) #
superficial # superscript (footnotes as ornament) # manuscript # print culture
# type setting # book design # bibliographies # marginalia # bibliophilia #
collectables and collectors' communities # ornamental writing # graphology #
autobiography # graffiti # calligraphy # poetry # translation # encryption #
semiotics # code breaking # image/language # Mise en Scene # celluloid #
graphic novels # subculture # punk # masquerade # carnivale # Mardi Gras #
festival # ceremony # ritual # totem poles # crucifix # talisman # charm #
amulet # (re)appropriation of myth # orientalism # Japan # fashion # designer
labels # jewellery # body insignia # scarring # tattoos # piercing # image
manipulation # plastic surgery # Hollywood # Las Vegas # celebrity # ornamental
personality # gender identity (slugs, snails vs. sugar, spice) # dandy #
flaneur # Liberace # Elvis # embellishment # textile # tapestry # needlework #
painting # architecture # horticultural decorations # topiary # theories of
aesthetics #

Submissions should be sent to and must be received
by Friday 11th June, 2004. Earlier submissions are encouraged.

Please see our submissions page for details on length and formatting:

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Apr 22 2004 - 23:09:06 EDT