CFP: Diaspora Identity (9/1/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Lisa Romano
contact email: 

Mind and Human Interaction, an interdisciplinary journal published by
the Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction, University of
Virginia, is seeking papers on the theme of "Diaspora Identity".

Whether exiled or immigrating to a new land, whether first or second
generation, an individual psychologically intertwines the home of origin
and the present home in a variety of ways that impact his/her identity.
We would be very interested in learning more about this psychological
process and look forward to receiving your submission.

Paper length is variable, however, most papers published in Mind and
Human Interaction range from 3,000-9,000 words. Please refer to our
website listed below for citation guidelines and further information.
Please submit papers before or by September 1, 2004. Papers may be
submitted as email attachments or by mail providing a disk with the
formatted paper is included.

Please send submissions to:
                                           Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction
                                           University of Virginia
                                           PO Box 800657
                                           Charlottesville, VA 22908-0657

For guidelines, refer

Please contact the editor, Lisa Aronson, at, with any
questions or comments.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue May 04 2004 - 19:40:00 EDT