CFP: Cultural Representations of Violence (8/31/04; journal issue)
Cultural Studies Journal of Universitat Jaume I
Culture, Language and Representation seeks contributions for volume 2 on
the topic:
"Cultural representations of violence".
Culture, Language and Representation is a yearly scholarly publication on
the discipline of Cultural Studies. Each issue deals monographically with a
relevant aspect of the representation of culture in its various
manifestations (social, political, educational, artistic, historical,
linguistic, etc.), encouraging interdisciplinary and innovative approaches
in the field of cultural research.
As a consequence of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, the
phenomenon of violence has entered the international dynamics of economic,
political and cultural globalization, making its re-evaluation imperative,
both at the symbolic and concrete levels, in order to adjust its
definition, as well as its ramifications and implications, to the resulting
social and cultural contexts.
Suggested topics for analysis include:
- The analysis of cultural representations of violence and their connection
to grand narratives in the international context.
- The contribution of specific representations of violence to the
consolidation and acceptance of violence: causes, consequences, degrees of
tolerance, applications, etc.
- Symbolic, psychological and physical representations of violence in any
area of social or cultural experience:
· Representations of violence in the Arts; literature; the cinema;
language; the mass media.
· Violence in everyday life situations; within minority and marginal
groups; in education (personal or institutional); in gender relations;
institutional violence.
· Theories of and about violence: essentialism vs. constructivism;
historical evolution and perspectives.
· The analysis of naturalized versions of violence as component parts of
social behaviour, tradition, etc., which might construct 'common-sense'
views or justifications of violence.
· Representations of violence which subvert current understandings of the
phenomenon so as to provide a political and critical perspective on violence.
- Other approaches to the issue of violence and its representation from the
perspective of Cultural Studies.
Deadline for submissions is 31 August 2004.
Articles may be written in English or Spanish and should follow the
Guidelines for Publication included in the attached document.
Please, send two hardcopies of your contribution and a diskette for PC
(WORD or RTF document) to the following address:
Jose Ramon Prado
Culture, Language and Representation
Departamento de Estudios Ingleses
Campus Riu Sec, Universitat Jaume I
12071 Castellon
For any further information or to obtain the Guidelines for Publication you
may contact:
Jose Ramon Prado, e-mail.; tel. +34 964 729616; fax. +34
964 729261
Jose Luis Blas, e-mail.; tel. +34 964 729625; fax. +34 964
Dr. Jose R. Prado
Campus Riu Sec
Universidad Jaume I
12071 Castellon
Tel. +34 964 729532
Office: +34 964 729616
Fax. +34 964 729348
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Received on Tue May 11 2004 - 01:17:41 EDT