CFP: CLUES: Mystery and Detective Fiction (journal)
CFP: CLUES: A Journal of Detection
> After a short hiatus, CLUES, the only U.S. academic journal devoted
> exclusively to mystery and detective fiction, returns under new
> management. Published for 22 years by Popular Press at Bowling Green
> State University, _CLUES: A Journal of Detection_ is now owned and
> operated by Heldref Publications in Washington, DC.
> Executive Editor: Margaret Kinsman, London South Bank University, UK
> Submission Details. CLUES welcomes scholarly articles on all aspects of
> mystery and detective material in print, television, and film without
> limit to period or country covered. All articles in languages other than
> English must be accompanied by a short paragraph describing their
> contents. Submissions should include a short (50-word) abstract and be
> between 15 to 20 double-spaced, typed pages (approximately 3,300 to
> 6,000 words) in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect with minimal formatting.
> Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts both on disk and in hard
> copy as back-up. Manuscripts should follow the _MLA Style Manual_ by
> Joseph Gibaldi (2nd ed., 1998), including parenthetical citations in
> text and an alphabetized list of Works Cited; and should be accompanied
> by a stamped return envelope if return of manuscript is desired.
> Send all submissions to:
> Elizabeth Foxwell
> Managing Editor, CLUES: A Journal of Detection
> Heldref Publications
> 1319 Eighteenth St, NW
> Washington, DC 20036-1802 USA
> Email:
> Visit CLUES online at
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Received on Mon Jun 07 2004 - 00:37:52 EDT