
displaying 1 - 15 of 18

CFP: Playing with Mother Nature: Video Games, Space, and Ecology (11/1/04; collection)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am
Laurie Taylor

Call for Papers:
Playing with Mother Nature: Video Games, Space, and Ecology

Editors Sidney I. Dobrin, Cathlena Martin, and Laurie Taylor seek
proposals for a new collection of original articles that address the use
and place of space and ecology in video games. This collection will
examine video games in terms of the spaces they create and use, the
metaphors of space on which they rely, and the ecologies that they create
within those spaces. This collection will address the significant
intersections in terms of how and why video games construct space and
ecology as they do, and in terms of how those constructions shape
conceptions of both space and ecology.

CFP: Cinema Aesthetics (no deadline; book series)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am
Des O'Rawe

Cinema Aesthetics: New Book Series

Manchester University Press will be publishing a series of short
monographs that concentrate on the aesthetic and formal aspects of the
cinema. The series will be called Cinema Aesthetics and the first three
books in the series are forthcoming in 2005. The three titles are:
Montage, The Shot, and Time.

We would like to invite proposals for books on the following: Sound,
Colour, and Narrative.

Each book should be about 35,000 words. The books are aimed at
undergraduate and graduate students, and should be essentially
theoretical in nature, setting out the issues and debates concerning the
area under discussion.

CFP: W.G. Sebald and the Photographic Image (9/15/04; collection)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am
Lise Patt

W.G. Sebald and the Photographic Image

Proposals are invited for a collection of original essays and visual
projects inspired by the work of W.G. Sebald. Specifically, we are
interested in exploring the role of the idiosyncratic and anti-heroic
photographs that propel and interrupt Sebald's labyrinthine text in
Rings of Saturn, Vertigo, and Austerlitz. The interest in Sebald has
crossed disciplines, igniting passionate dialogues among scholars and
practioners. This anthology hopes to capture this spirited
conversation in both theory and praxis.

Possible topics in relationship to Sebald's use of photography
include (but are not limited to):

CFP: Playing with Mother Nature: Video Games, Space, and Ecology (11/1/04; collection)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am
Laurie Taylor

Call for Papers:
Playing with Mother Nature: Video Games, Space, and Ecology

Editors Sidney I. Dobrin, Cathlena Martin, and Laurie Taylor seek
proposals for a new collection of original articles that address the use
and place of space and ecology in video games. This collection will
examine video games in terms of the spaces they create and use, the
metaphors of space on which they rely, and the ecologies that they create
within those spaces. This collection will address the significant
intersections in terms of how and why video games construct space and
ecology as they do, and in terms of how those constructions shape
conceptions of both space and ecology.

CFP: Cinema Aesthetics (no deadline; book series)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am
Des O'Rawe

Cinema Aesthetics: New Book Series

Manchester University Press will be publishing a series of short
monographs that concentrate on the aesthetic and formal aspects of the
cinema. The series will be called Cinema Aesthetics and the first three
books in the series are forthcoming in 2005. The three titles are:
Montage, The Shot, and Time.

We would like to invite proposals for books on the following: Sound,
Colour, and Narrative.

Each book should be about 35,000 words. The books are aimed at
undergraduate and graduate students, and should be essentially
theoretical in nature, setting out the issues and debates concerning the
area under discussion.

CFP: Playing with Mother Nature: Video Games, Space, and Ecology (11/1/04; collection)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am
Laurie Taylor

Call for Papers:
Playing with Mother Nature: Video Games, Space, and Ecology

Editors Sidney I. Dobrin, Cathlena Martin, and Laurie Taylor seek
proposals for a new collection of original articles that address the use
and place of space and ecology in video games. This collection will
examine video games in terms of the spaces they create and use, the
metaphors of space on which they rely, and the ecologies that they create
within those spaces. This collection will address the significant
intersections in terms of how and why video games construct space and
ecology as they do, and in terms of how those constructions shape
conceptions of both space and ecology.

UPDATE: Currents in Electronic Literacy (7/31/04; e-journal issue)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am

NEW DEADLINE: July 31, 2004

Call for papers on special journal topic "Intersections or Reflections: What Do
Technology and Literature Have to Say to One Another?"

The upcoming issue of Currents in Electronic Literacy
<http://currents.cwrl.utexas.edu> will provide a forum for the presentation and
discussion of technologically-informed work in literary studies. If literature
mirrors (and implicitly critiques) society, how has its academic study come to
reflect technological developments? Alternatively, where do literature and
technology intersect? Submissions might fit one of the following categories:

UPDATE: Currents in Electronic Literacy (7/31/04; e-journal issue)

Friday, June 18, 2004 - 3:20am

NEW DEADLINE: July 31, 2004

Call for papers on special journal topic "Intersections or Reflections: What Do
Technology and Literature Have to Say to One Another?"

The upcoming issue of Currents in Electronic Literacy
<http://currents.cwrl.utexas.edu> will provide a forum for the presentation and
discussion of technologically-informed work in literary studies. If literature
mirrors (and implicitly critiques) society, how has its academic study come to
reflect technological developments? Alternatively, where do literature and
technology intersect? Submissions might fit one of the following categories:
