CFP: Cinema Aesthetics (no deadline; book series)

full name / name of organization: 
Des O'Rawe
contact email: 

Cinema Aesthetics: New Book Series

Manchester University Press will be publishing a series of short
monographs that concentrate on the aesthetic and formal aspects of the
cinema. The series will be called Cinema Aesthetics and the first three
books in the series are forthcoming in 2005. The three titles are:
Montage, The Shot, and Time.

We would like to invite proposals for books on the following: Sound,
Colour, and Narrative.

Each book should be about 35,000 words. The books are aimed at
undergraduate and graduate students, and should be essentially
theoretical in nature, setting out the issues and debates concerning the
area under discussion.

Please send initial proposals of no more than 1000 words to each editor:

Sam Rohdie
Dept. of Film and Digital Media
University of Central Florida
PO Box 163120
Florida 32816-3120

Des O'Rawe
Film Studies
School of Languages, Literatures & Arts
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
N. Ireland

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Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 23:20:03 EDT
