CFP: Companion to the World Novel (no deadline; book)

full name / name of organization: 
Jeff Soloway
contact email: 

CFP: Companion to the World Novel (no deadline; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
college students, is seeking a scholar to write or edit a one-volume A-to-Z
encyclopedia on the 20th-century world novel--that is, those novels written
in languages other than English. Writers and novels covered should emphasize
those studied most often in high school and college classes. The work will
be marketed with our series of companions to various genres of American,
British, and world literature, especially our forthcoming two-volume
companion to the American novel and our forthcoming companion to the
20th-century British novel. The ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad
knowledge of the subject, and an ability to write clearly and succinctly for
students. If the book is done with contributors, the editor should also have
extensive experience, good contacts in the field, and excellent managerial
and editorial skills. This large project (300,000 words) must be completed
within 2 years. Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines will be required. If
interested please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to
Jeff Soloway
Senior Editor
Facts on File, Inc.
132 W. 31st St., 17th Floor
New York, NY 10001

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Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 23:20:04 EDT
