CFP: Colloquy: All Topics (no deadline noted; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Dimitris Vardoulakis

colloquy new issue and cfp

The 2004 issue of Colloquy is now available online. It includes several =
articles and reviews:

For next year, there will be two issues of Colloquy published. There =
will be a special issue compiling postgraduate papers from the =
conference =93Blanchot, the Obscure=94 that Colloquy is organizing for =
August 2004. There will also be the usual open issue. Further, Colloquy =
is forging links with the Translation Studies program which began at =
Monash this year. We are hoping that from next year students from =
Translation Studies will be editing a section of the general issue =
devoted to translation. Thus, in addition to the open call for articles =
and reviews for the open issue, we are now inviting translations of =
short works of criticism, theory, fiction, or poetry from any language.

Dimitris Vardoulakis &
The Colloquy Editors

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Colloquy: text theory critique
Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
PO Box 11A
Monash University
Clayton, Vic 3800

tel: +61 3 9905 9009
fax: +61 3 9905 5593

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Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 21:40:51 EDT