CFP: Excess: Rapture & Revolution (8/2/04; journal issue)
CFP: "Excess: Rapture and Revolution" antiTHESIS
antiTHESIS is a fully-refereed journal of contemporary theory, criticism and culture, and Australia's longest-running interdisciplinary postgraduate journal. It is produced by postgraduates in the Department of English with Cultural Studies and Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne.
The antiTHESIS editorial collective are seeking contributions to volume 15, entitled: "Excess: Rapture and Revolution."
Scholars and creative writers are invited to direct their contribution to topics such as:
* bodies and pleasure
* hedonism, decadence, the sublime
* the spectacle of excess
* censorship, discipline and regulation
* the subjective experience of excess as creative and destructive
* excess as a thematic and stylistic feature of literary production
* cultural forms of excess
(for example, carnival, consumerism, fetishism, and technologies)
* political revolutions as the scene of real or imagined excess
* revolutions in the history of ideas (based on the concept of excess)
We are seeking:
* Articles of up to 6,000 words (excluding endnotes)
* Fiction and creative non-fiction of up to 3,500 words
* Poetry of up to 100 lines
* Visual art works
antiTHESIS uses The Chicago Manual of Style (15th Edition), endnote citations. For more information, please consult our website.
Please attach a cover page listing your name, contact details, abstract and a brief bio-note. Your name, or other forms of identification, must not appear on the work itself.
Please send submissions as word attachments to by 2 August 2004. We will consider and respond to all submissions.
More information is available at =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 21:40:53 EDT