CFP: "The Woman Question" in 19th C. America (1/15/05; journal issue)

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CFP: Journal ATQ Special Issue The Woman Question (15Jan. 2005)


Special Issue

"The Woman Question

ATQ announces a special issue for 2005 on "The Woman Question" in
nineteenth-century America. Even though one might argue that such a question
did not exist because there is no one time when "the question" was asked and
answered, nevertheless, "The Woman Question" did occur as a specific, a
public, and an ongoing debate during the nineteenth and into the twentieth
century in the United States. The Question is as relevant at the beginning of
the twenty-first century as it was from 1837 to 1915 in part because the
debate continues. With this in mind, a re-examination of the Question's
causes and effects in light of the twenty-first century as well as recent
developments in literary, cultural, and gender studies seems appropriate.

Articles might explore but are not limited to the following topics related to
"The Woman Question":

• The influence of science, sociology, psychology, or anthropology

• Charles Darwin's, Herbert Spencer's, et al contributions

• The burgeoning of sexology

• Interrogation of articles from Popular Science Monthly

• Differences within forums of debate, i.e., oratories, news articles,
political cartoons

• Literary reactions

• Major and minor voices within the debate

ATQ encourages submissions from scholars in a variety of fields and
disciplines for this issue. Interdisciplinary approaches are especially
welcome. ATQ will have the capacity to reproduce images for this special
issue. Please submit manuscripts (3,000 to 7,500 words, following the MLA
Handbook) by January 15, 2005. All submissions must be accompanied by
sufficient return postage.

Address manuscripts to:

Theresa DeFrancis
ATQ Special Issue Editor—2005
Department of English, Independence Hall
60 Upper College Road, Suite 2
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881

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Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 21:40:50 EDT