CFP: Poetry of War / Poetry for Peace (11/1/04; e-journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Renee Dickason

Call for contributions:
Poetry of War / Poetry for Peace

La revue LISA / LISA e-journal :

The role of epic poetry has often been to present the heroic grandeur of
wars past, providing a type of justification for wars future. Yet some poets
have endeavored to depict the horrors of war in such a way that the cost of
human suffering penetrates the reader's consciousness. In what ways can
poetry promote peace? This issue of LISA seeks papers which try to grapple
with that question while focusing on at least several of the following
topoi: poetic method and form, the poet's circumstantial motivation, poetic
memory, poetic language as counter-propaganda, and issues of reception by
the public.

Possible topics might include (but are not limited to):

the representation of war in Shakespeare's plays
Robert Southey's "The Battle of Blenheim"
the slaughter of American Indians as presented by Andrew Suknaski in "The
Bitter Word"
the American Civil War in poems by Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson, Walt
Whitman and others
Robert Lowell's "For the Union Dead"
the way in which most poets of the Great War avoided heroic representations
the manner in which epic memories are thwarted in poems like "Grass" by Carl
Sandburg or "El Alamein" by John Jarmain
Auden's representation of epic in "The Shield of Achilles"
representations of the Second World War in poems of Keith Douglas, Sidney
Keyes, and others
the Korean war in poems by Donald Hall and others
poetry concerning the Vietnam war, such as "What were they like?" by Denise
poems which suggest revolt against the nationalism behind war, such as
Martin Bell's "Reasons for Refusal"
the choices involved in selecting poems for anthologies of war poetry.

Submissions should be written in English about English-language poetry. It
is hoped that poetry from diverse periods and places will be discussed.
Deadline for proposals: November 1, 2004. You will be contacted by December
1 if your proposal has been accepted. Deadline for submission of complete
papers: March 1, 2005

Submissions to Jennifer KILGORE:

La revue LISA / LISA e-journal :

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Received on Fri Jul 02 2004 - 01:23:44 EDT