CFP: Rhizomes: The Becoming-Deleuzoguattarian of Queer Studies (10/1/04; journal issue)
The Becoming-Deleuzoguattarian of Queer Studies
Proposal for Rhizomes 11 (Fall 2005)
Guest Editor: Michael O'Rourke (School of English, University College
With the recent work of Rosi Braidotti, Glenn Burger, Marie Helene
Bourcier, Elizabeth Grosz, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Mariam Fraser and
others, the becoming- Deleuzoguattarian of Queer Studies has begun to
speed up and intensify. While queer theorists often see the work of
Michel Foucault as foundational (if one can even use such a term) it
could be argued that the work of Deleuze and Guattari (and its
subsequent influence on Guy Hocquenghem , especially Le Desir
Homosexuel, published in 1972) actually prefigures many of the concepts
which Queer Theory would develop twenty years later (largely without
acknowledging this influence). Also, it has been asserted that Queer
Theory is an American product, a globalizing, McDonaldized package which
has been exported to Europe and the rest of the world. Yet, this is to
ignore the enormous impact of what has come to be called French Theory
on queer theorizing which has its underpinnings in French
poststructuralist and deconstructive thought (Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze
and Guattari among others), lesbian and gay studies, and French
feminism. So, rather than seeing a unidirectional transcontinental line
of flight going from America to France/ Europe/Australasia, we could
argue for a constant ebb and flow, a migratory queer traffic, and an
altogether different mapping of the most important and innovative work
in queer studies. Given a general fear of newness in recent queer
theoretical work which has become worryingly arborescent (an over
reliance on Foucault and the collapsing of Queer Theory back into/onto
lesbian and gay studies are symptomatic), it is timely and vital to
assess the impact of Deleuze and Guattari's writing on Queer Studies and
to think about future directions the engagement between Queer Theory and
Deleuzoguattarian Theory might potentially take.
This special issue invites contributers to address the rapprochement
between Queer Studies and the oeuvre of Deleuze and Guattari and the new
horizons of queer thinking. Proposals could consider (but should not
feel limited to the following):
· Becomings
· Bodies without organs
· Masochism
· Queer Theory and Deleuzian Film Theory
· Queer Theory and Deleuzian Literary Theory
· Rhizomatics and temporality
· Desiring-machines and binary-machines
· D & G and Manuel De Landa
· Deleuze and Guattari and the erotics of collaboration
· Deleuze and homodepression
· Simulation and citationality
· D & G and Butlerian performativity
· D & G and ecoqueer criticism/ queer ecocriticism
· Pack Sexualities
· D & G and (queer) ethics
· D & G and queer histories
· Deleuze's relationship with Foucault
· Deleuze's relationship with Derrida
· Deleuze's non-relationship with Badiou
· The middle/ in-between/the chiasm/the fold
· D & G and queer phenomenology
· Bodies/ corporeality
· Flows and intensities
· The posthuman/the cyborg/machinic assemblages
· Queering the (non) human
· D & G , masculinities, and Klaus Theweleit
· D & G and feminism
· D & G and Sexual Difference
· D & G and Irigaray/ Cixous etc
· Schizoanalysis
· D & G and queer keywords
· Neurotics, psychotics and perverts
· De- and Re-territorializations
· D & G and (lesbian) desire
· D & G and Le Desir Homosexuel
· Lines of flight
· Nomadology
· Ecophilosophy
· D & G and bisexuality
· D & G and Transsexuality
· D & G in America
· D & G and queer (Post) Marxisms
· D & G and queer medievalism(s)
· D & G and Žižek/Lacan/Baudrillard/Batailles/Hocquenghem etc.
Abstracts of 250-300 words (sent in the body of an e-mail message, no
attachments please) should be sent to Michael O'Rourke
( on or before FRIDAY 01 OCTOBER 2004.
Completed Manuscripts should be sent to the guest editor on or before
FRIDAY 01 APRIL 2005. Final versions with revisions should arrive with
the editor on or before FRIDAY 01 JULY 2005.
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Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Jul 11 2004 - 21:26:08 EDT