UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial (8/1/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Claire Schomp
contact email: 

UPDATE: Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial
Editors: Bridget Matthews-Kane and Claire Schomp
New Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2004

While we are pleased with the initial response to this collection, we are
extending our deadline in order to solicit abstracts on remaining topics we
feel deserve attention.

Specifically, we are looking for abstracts on Irish dramatists, particularly
Friel, and Irish poets, particularly Yeats. We would also be interested in
seeing works on Swift or Wilde. Abstracts on contemporary and non-canonical
Irish authors are also sought. We also welcome more abstracts concerned with
comparative approaches between Irish and other post-colonial literatures.

We do not expect every submission to endorse the application of
post-colonial theory to Irish Literature; in fact, we expect some to
challenge or question how Irish literature works in tandem with
post-colonial theory.

As we mentioned in our original CFP, we want the collection to emphasize
teaching as much as theory. We are very interested in how concepts play out
in the classroom; therefore, essays should strive to strike a balance
between the practical and the theoretical.

As we are in the final stages of the project and hope to start soliciting
publishers by the end of the summer, we would appreciate receiving the
submissions as soon as possible. We seek one-page abstracts for finished
articles of about 12-15 manuscript pages. Please attach a one to two page CV
as well. We regret that we can only accept proposals in English. Send your
abstracts or inquires to Bridget Matthews-Kane at Matthkane_at_earthlink.net
and to Claire Schomp at cschomp_at_hotmail.com

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Jul 13 2004 - 19:39:33 EDT