
displaying 1 - 15 of 17

UPDATE: Disability (8/15/04; journal issue)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am

UPDATE: Disability (8/15/04; journal issue deadline extended)

Atenea, a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and
social sciences, features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and
URL: http://www.uprm.edu/atenea

The editorial board invites submissions for publication for a special
edition (June 2005) on disability issues.
Essays may address a wide variety of topics such as the issues of
disability studies as a field;
representations of disability in literature, film, popular culture, the
the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, politics and disability.

UPDATE: Postcolonial Text (e-journal)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am
Ranjini Mendis

UPDATE: Postcolonial Text
An Invitation to Submit

Postcolonial Text Volume 1 No. 2

Postcolonial Text is a refereed, open access journal that invites articles
and reviews, as well as poetry and fiction, on postcolonial,
transnational, and indigenous themes. It is one of a new generation of
electronic journals committed to publishing critical and creative voices
within and across disciplinary boundaries, edited by a team spanning three
continents and backed by a highly regarded international editorial board
representing the best in postcolonial, cultural and literary studies.

UPDATE: Postcolonial Text (e-journal)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am
Ranjini Mendis

UPDATE: Postcolonial Text
An Invitation to Submit

Postcolonial Text Volume 1 No. 2

Postcolonial Text is a refereed, open access journal that invites articles
and reviews, as well as poetry and fiction, on postcolonial,
transnational, and indigenous themes. It is one of a new generation of
electronic journals committed to publishing critical and creative voices
within and across disciplinary boundaries, edited by a team spanning three
continents and backed by a highly regarded international editorial board
representing the best in postcolonial, cultural and literary studies.

CFP: Lesbian Representation on "The L Word" (8/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am
Editor, AfterEllen.com

A call for essays for a new collection on "The L Word"

Working Title: Representing Lesbians: Essays on"The L Word"
Edited by Sarah Warn (Editor, AfterEllen.com)

This book will be a collection of essays (2,000 to 4,000 words each)
written about lesbian/bisexual visibility and representation on Showtime's
TV show "The L Word." This book is geared towards a general audience, not
an academic one, but academics as well as journalists and other
non-academic writers are welcome to submit an abstract.

A wide range of topics related to "The L Word" are acceptable, such as:

CFP: Lesbian Representation on "The L Word" (8/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 5:11am
Editor, AfterEllen.com

A call for essays for a new collection on "The L Word"

Working Title: Representing Lesbians: Essays on"The L Word"
Edited by Sarah Warn (Editor, AfterEllen.com)

This book will be a collection of essays (2,000 to 4,000 words each)
written about lesbian/bisexual visibility and representation on Showtime's
TV show "The L Word." This book is geared towards a general audience, not
an academic one, but academics as well as journalists and other
non-academic writers are welcome to submit an abstract.

A wide range of topics related to "The L Word" are acceptable, such as:
