CFP: Fates and Futures of Feminism (10/1/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Johanna Burton

Volume 16, Special Issue: Fates and Futures of Feminism

Critical Matrix: The Princeton Journal of Women, Gender and Culture is
seeking original submissions for an issue dedicated to considering the
current states and stakes of feminism. Popularly referred to as having
entered its ³third wave,² feminism has been designated by some as having
penetrated the social fabric so entirely as to be ubiquitous, while others
pronounce its status as seriously endangered. Previously fundamental
theoretical and political distinctions between kinds of feminisms
(socialist, Marxist, psychoanalytic, etc.) are now often glossed over, and
rather than incorporating feminist problematics into the syllabi of
³primary² disciplines, feminist theory is often relegated to specialized
courses in women¹s studies programs‹these for the most part supplementary,
non-degree granting departments within the university system.

What are we speaking, reading, writing, and teaching today when we invoke
feminism? What does it mean to call oneself a feminist, particularly within
contemporary academic structures (as well as outside of them)? What kinds of
hybrid feminist practices and methodologies have evolved from
interdisciplinarity, as such? How is feminism pedagogically reinscribed so
that younger scholars recognize its continued relevance? In what areas does
feminism operate without announcing itself as such? What IS feminism
today‹and how do its present forms and debates both further and deviate from
its already multiplicitous origins?

 Possible topics of investigation include:

* feminism and pedagogy

* feminism and queer theory/studies

* feminism and postcolonial theory

* feminism and ethics

* feminism and popular culture

* feminism and neo-conservatism

* the legacies (and amnesias) of feminism

* feminism and pleasure

* feminism and politics

* feminism and institutions

* feminism and gender studies

* feminism and postmodernism

Submissions, 15-35 pages in length and according to the Chicago Manual of
Style, are due, in hard copy, by October 1, 2004. Information for
individuals interested in submitting can be found at

Johanna Burton and David Ball, editors

Johanna Burton and David Ball, editors
Program in the Study of Women and Gender
Princeton University
113 Dickinson
Princeton, NJ 08544

CRITICAL MATRIX is a forum for research, criticism, theory and creative work
in feminism and gender studies. Seeking connections among scholarly,
aesthetic and activist approaches to gender, CM brings together written and
visual materials that explore, redefine or reach across traditional
disciplinary boundaries. Today an award-winning, internationally circulated
professional journal, CM was founded by feminist graduate students in the
early 1980s to provide academic support for exploratory scholarship in
Women's Studies and continues to encourage submission that might encounter
resistance or neglect within established disciplines. We solicit new work by
authors at any stage in their careers, with or without academic affiliation.

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Received on Tue Jul 20 2004 - 01:11:34 EDT