CFP: H G Wells Society: The Wellsian (grad) (3/1/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Steve McLean

The H G Wells Society Essay Competition is intended to provide interested
post graduate students with an opportunity to publish their work on H G
Wells in THE WELLSIAN, annual journal of the Wells Society.

Papers concerning any aspect of Wells's life and work are invited for
submission. Possible themes might include: Wells and utopia; Wells and
science; Wells and women; Wells and the social novel; Wells and colonialism;
Wells and his contemporaries; and Wells and the World State. Essays should
not exceed 14 pages double-spaced typing in length and should not have been
previously published. Submissions should be sent in WELLSIAN style (i.e.
first references in long form in footnotes; subsequent references in short
form in footnotes; subsequent main-text page references in brackets in
text). No bibliography/works cited.

A panel of appointed experts will judge the competition, and the winning
entry published in THE WELLSIAN. Second and third placed essays may be
published via the Society's website. The competition excludes individuals
serving on the Executive Committee of the H G Wells Society.

The winning entry also wins a free year's membership and free participation
in the Annual Wells Society Conference.

Essays should be posted, no later than March 1st 2005, to:

Steve McLean
Hon. General Secretary,
The Department of English Literature,
University of Sheffield,
Shearwood Mount,
Shearwood Road,
S10 2TD,

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sun Jul 25 2004 - 07:52:56 EDT
