CFP: Etudes Irlandaises (10/31/04; journal issue)
The editorial board of Etudes Irlandaises is now seeking=20
submissions for vol. 30.1 (general issue) to be published in Spring 2005. Ar=
ticles in=20
English or French should be no more than 12 pages (7000 words or 36000 signs=
in length. Submissions (4 paper copies and disk PC or Mac) must be sent by=20
Oct. 31, 2004 to Dr. Carle Bonafous-Murat (Institut du Monde Anglophone =E2=
=80=93 5, rue=20
de l=E2=80=99Ecole de M=C3=A9decine =E2=80=93 75006 PARIS =E2=80=93 France).=
For technical information=20
regarding the journal stylesheet, go to :=20
http/ For further information, please con=
tact Dr. Bonafous-Murat at :=20
Etudes Irlandaises is a peer-reviewed journal publishing article=
in English and French which explore all aspects of Irish literature, history=
culture and arts from ancient times to the present. Etude Irlandaises=20
publishes twice a year on a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects includi=
ng :=20
poetry / fiction / drama / film / music / politics / economy / social studie=
etc. General issues published in Spring alternate with special issues in Aut=
umn =E2=80=93=20
recent topics include the Peace Process (1999), the Irish Language (2001),=20
and Ireland/America in the 20th century (2003). Etudes Irlandaises is aimed=20=
scholars, postgraduate students, institutions specializing in Irish studies=20=
well as people who have an informed interest in the subject. Each number has=
comprehensive section devoted to recently published material on Ireland.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Aug 03 2004 - 10:03:04 EDT