
displaying 1 - 10 of 10

UPDATE: North American University Presses (1/1/05; collection)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 4:23pm
Jagodzinski, Cecile

Deadline extended

I am seeking contributors for a volume in the Dictionary of Literary
Biography series with the working title _North American University
Presses_. Entries will range in length from 3000-8000 words, and offer
a chronological overview of the history of each press, discuss the
press's significance, editorial emphases, and current publishing
activities. Contributors receive a small honorarium and a copy of the
volume. The deadline for submission of completed entries is 1 January

The following presses, with essay lengths, are still available:

CFP: Encyclopedia of British Literature for High School Students (no deadline; book)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:57pm
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Encyclopedia of British Literature for high school students (no
deadline; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for high school and
college students, is seeking a general editor to oversee a multi-volume
encyclopedia of British literature. This will be a companion set to our
forthcoming Student's Encyclopedia of Great American Writers. The ideal
general editor will be an expert on standards for the teaching of literature
to high school students, and have extensive experience, good managerial and
editorial skills, and many contacts among possible contributors to the
encyclopedia. If interested please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail,

CFP: Toni Morrison Encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:44pm
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Toni Morrison encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume encyclopedia on Toni
Morrison, focusing on critical analyses of her works. The ideal author will
have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Morrison's works, and an ability to write
clearly and succinctly for students in both high school and college. This
large project (250,000-300,000 words) must be completed within two years.
Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines will be required. If interested
please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to

CFP: Toni Morrison Encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:44pm
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Toni Morrison encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume encyclopedia on Toni
Morrison, focusing on critical analyses of her works. The ideal author will
have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Morrison's works, and an ability to write
clearly and succinctly for students in both high school and college. This
large project (250,000-300,000 words) must be completed within two years.
Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines will be required. If interested
please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to

CFP: Toni Morrison Encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:44pm
Jeff Soloway

CFP: Toni Morrison encyclopedia (no deadline; book)

Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume encyclopedia on Toni
Morrison, focusing on critical analyses of her works. The ideal author will
have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Morrison's works, and an ability to write
clearly and succinctly for students in both high school and college. This
large project (250,000-300,000 words) must be completed within two years.
Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines will be required. If interested
please send letter and cv, preferably by e-mail, to

CFP: Academic Exchange Extra: Education in the Humanities and Social Sciences (ongoing; e-journal)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:33pm
Elizabeth Haller




Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.

CFP: Academic Exchange Extra: Education in the Humanities and Social Sciences (ongoing; e-journal)

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 3:33pm
Elizabeth Haller




Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.