CFP: Big Tex[t] (ongoing; new journal)
Big Tex[t], a new biannual on-line journal, is seeking submissions of
* Literary Criticism
* Poetry
* Fiction
* Creative Nonfiction
* Visual Art
* Audio/Spoken Word
While Big Tex[t] is not a regional publication, our editorial stance is
derived from our connection to the cultural and geographic shatterbelt
of Texas- the complex mingling of ethnicities, cultures, and
environments that we observe each day. Sixty-some years ago, folklorist
J. Frank Dobie looked forward to a day when the mesquite tree had as
much poetic resonance as the English yew. At Big Tex[t] we celebrate not
just the humble Texas mesquite, but all landscapes, all poetics. We
encourage artists to locate themselves, to look at their lives and that
portion of the world which they know, and to write it. However, it is
too often that different styles and genres then retreat into the comfort
of their own back yards, unexposed to any but those already familiar.
This is a place for the intermixing of regions, where Northeast and
Southwest, plains and coastlines somehow connect. This is a place where
High Culture and Low Brow stand side by side. This is a place where
unlikely friendships can be made. This is a place where back yards meet.
Please submit 3-7 poems or up to 7000 words of prose as .rtf
attachments. Visual art should be in .jpg format, Audio/Spoken Word as
Precedence: bulk
All submissions should be sent to
Submissions should be attached to an email, with the subject line
Submission.[genre].[last name].[first name]
Full submission guidelines can be found at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 20 2004 - 14:31:12 EDT