CFP: Media and Culture: Order (10/11/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
M/C - Media and Culture
contact email: 


                          M/C - Media and Culture
            is calling for contributors to the 'order' issue of

                                M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

To see what M/C Journal is all about, check out our Website, which contains
all the issues released so far, at <>. To
find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

       Call for Papers: 'order' - edited by Axel Bruns & Liz Ferrier

The past fifteen years have been a time of major changes in the world -
from the implosion of the Eastern bloc through the economic upheavals of
the late 90s, to the 'war on terror' with its attendant global paranoias
and threats to civil liberties. Are we in the throes of a paradigm shift
towards a new world order, or is this largely a media construct? Do order
and disorder represent an episteme, a dominant system of understanding
social and political phenomena which structures our knowledge of the world
through the media? Social, political, and cultural changes challenge
established understandings of what is orderly and disorderly. Around these
changes new definitions of order and disorder emerge, and a struggle for
the ability to control these definitions plays out in the mediasphere. For
this issue we invite your analyses of the media's ordering of things, and
the processes which contribute to it.

The 'order' issue of M/C Journal will discuss these and other themes of
order and disorder. Help us make sense of the world again by submitting a
1000-1500 word article to

M/C Journal 'order' editors
Axel Bruns & Liz Ferrier

For more information:

Article deadline: 11 October 2004
Issue release date: 1 December 2004

M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998
as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting
of media and culture. Contributors are directed to past issues of M/C
Journal for examples of style and content, and to the submissions page for
comprehensive article submission guidelines. M/C Journal articles are blind

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2004 M/C Journal Issue Deadlines

'fame' editor: P. David Marshall

          article deadline: 16 August 2004
          release date: 6 October 2004

'order' editor: Axel Bruns & Liz Ferrier

          article deadline: 11 October 2004
          release date: 1 December 2004

M/C Journal is online at <>.
All issues of M/C Journal on various topics are available there.
M/C Reviews is now available at <>.


                                                     Dr Axel Bruns

-- General Editor M/C - Media and Culture ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Fri Aug 20 2004 - 15:13:36 EDT
