CFP: Shakespeare (11/26/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Gabriel Egan
contact email: 

Call For Papers for the inaugural issue of _Shakespeare_, the journal of
the British Shakespeare Association

Contributions are invited for the inaugural issue of a new journal
entitled _Shakespeare_ to be published by Routledge in 2005. The
journal will bring together Shakespeare scholarship and Shakespeare in
performance in order to open newly emergent debates across disciplines,
and will be published online twice a year and in a bound paper volume
comprising two issues once a year. For this inaugural issue
contributions on all topics and approaches to Shakespeare will be
considered. The articles selected will be peer-reviewed.

The deadline for submissions is 26 November 2004 and contributors will
be informed of publication decisions within 3 months from that date.
Contributions should be about 6,000 words and should be emailed as Word
documents to the journal editors John Joughin (,
Deborah Cartmell (, and Gabriel Egan (

Gabriel Egan
co-editor, _Shakespeare_

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Aug 20 2004 - 15:23:27 EDT
