CFP: Media Discourse in Nigeria (12/31/04; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Rotimi Taiwo
contact email: 


Scholars in Media Studies, Linguistics, Stylistics,
Critical Discourse Analysis who are particularly
working on the Nigerian Media are invited to
contribute to a collection ofessays to be titled MEDIA
DISCOURSE IN NIGERIA slated for publication by
October, 2005.
Below are the topics being considered:
1. The History and Impact of the Mass Media in nigeria
2. The Art of Mass Media
3. The Linguistics and Politics of the Front Page in
the Nigerian Print Media
4. Propagandist Rhetoric in journalism: A Discourse
Analysis of Editorials.
5. Pragmatic Features of Politics-based Articles in
Nigerian Magazines
6. Talkshows as Discourse Process
7. Pragmatic Force in Presidential Media Chat
8. Conversational Strategies in Electronic Media Chats
in Nigeria
9. A Semantic Study of Obituaries in the Nigerian
Print Media
10. Phonological Features of Newscasts in Nigerian
11. Style in Print Media Headlines in nigeria
12. Legal Sensitivity in Electronic Media Discourse
13. Thematic Structure of Features Writing
14 Language, Culture and the Media in Nigeria
15. Audience-presence in Electronic Media Discourse
16. A Sociolinguistic Investigation of Soap Operas on
the Nigerian Television
17. The Register of Sports News in the Print Media
18. A Speech Act Analysis of Religious Discourse in
Nigerian Dailies
19. Remedial Reconstruction of Media in Nigeria
20. A Stylistic Investigation of Advertisement in the
Mass Media
21. Humour in Media Discourse in Nigeria
22. The Pragmatics of Pictorial Elements in Media
23. The Stylistics of Business News in the Print Media
24. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Media Interviews
in Nigerian News Magazine
25. Gender-sensitive English Discourse in the Print
26. Syntactic Structure of Editorials in News
27. A Minimalist Analysis of Print Media Advertisement

Submissions should be typed in double space using MS
Word. Submissions should be sent in notlater than
December 31st, 2004 either through e-mail to:

or by surface mail to:
              Dr. Rotimi Taiwo
              Department of English
              Obafemi Awolowo University
              Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Each contribution should contain a cover page with the
following information: title of the paper, name(s) of
the author(s), affiliation, contact address (postal
and e-mail) and telphone number.

Every paper submited will be assessed and authors will
be contacted through their addresses. Authors whose
papers are found publishable would be required to
submit a diskette and two hard copies of their papers
For more information contact any of the following who
are the editors:
      Rotimi Taiwo (Ph.D) Akin Odebunmi (Ph.D)
      Department of English English Unit
      OAU, Ile-Ife, General Studies Dept.
      Nigeria. Ladoke Akintola
                               University, Ogbomoso,

      Akin Adetunji
      English Unit
      General Studies Department
      Oyo State College of Education
      Oyo, Nigeria.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Aug 23 2004 - 11:34:08 EDT