CFP: 20th-Century Australian Literature (8/31/05; collection)
Rebecca McNeer of Ohio University and Nicholas Birns of New School
University (New York) are co-editing a Companion to Twentieth-Century
Australian Literature to be published in 2007 by Boydell and
Brewer/University of Rochester Press. Most of the entries have already
been assigned but there are a few entries still available:
1. Writing Aboriginality (from 1788 to 1988; excludes post-Mabo
2. Dorothy Hewett
3. Dransfield and His Generation
4. The Demidenko Affair and Hoaxes in Australian Literature
5. Contemporary Drama (From early David Williamson to present)
6. Poetry of the 1990s/2000s (emphasis on poets born after 1960)
7. Australian/Asian Literature
8. Recent Australian Women's Writing (from 1970 to 2004)
Each essay would be about 5000 words (with longer interpretive essays
allotted more space) and will be due on August 31, 2005. Each
contributor will have significant interpretive freedom to pursue their
own take on the subject; this need not be the 'standard' reference-book
entry but an original perspective directed at an audience consisting of
undergraduates, graduate students, and scholars. A style sheet will be
furnished to all contributors in September 2004. Please direct
expressions of interest by September 1, 2004 to Nicholas Birns as AND Rebecca McNeer at
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 18:38:12 EDT