CFP: InterCulture (ongoing; e-journal)
InterCulture is an e-journal focused upon the interdisciplinary study of
world cultures, the celebration and contemplation of cultural diversity,
and exploration of the commonalities of the human condition.
InterCulture exists to publish articles and media written from an
interdisciplinary perspective, without any preference for a particular
theoretical approach. Creative work, book, film and music reviews are
accepted as well.
InterCulture publishes material on a rolling basis; please allow 1-3
months for review. Articles should be submitted in MSWord format and be
between 3-5K words in length; book, film, and music reviews should be
between 500-1000 words. Submissions are circulated blindly to at least
two members of the editorial board for the highest standard of fairness
and peer-review.
For creative work, video and images should be submitted in commonly
utilized formats. (e.g., MP3, AVI, Real Audio,Windows Media, .JPG, .GIF,
.WAV, etc.)
InterCulture requests that submissions be forwarded via email to the
site coordinator: , with 'InterCulture' in the subject
Thomas Philbeck
InterCulture Site Coordinator
Nicholas Ruiz III
GTA/doctoral student
Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities
Florida State University, 205P Dodd Hall, CPO (#1560),Tallahassee, FL 32306
Editor, Kritikos,
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Sep 08 2004 - 20:16:54 EDT