CFP: Motorcycle Studies (12/1/04; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Suzanne Ferriss
contact email: 

Call for Papers (first issue deadline: December 1, 2004)

The International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (IJMS) is an out-growth of
the Motorcycle Culture and Myth program area of the Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association conferences, which has expanded
considerably over the past five years with participants from many countries.
It is dedicated to the study and discussion of motorcycling culture in all
its forms and from all over the world--including moped/scooter, street and
racetrack, and off-road/dirt bikes as well as every aspect of motorcycle
culture past, present and future. We hope the journal provides further
opportunities to explore these issues. The inaugural issue will be
published online in March, 2005.

We welcome submissions on all areas related to the cultural phenomenon of
motorcycling from not only academics but all members of the motorcycling
community or those interested in motorcycling.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Riders' narratives or descriptions of the ride
* The motorcycle or riding as music, art, poetry, or agency
* Rituals, norms, customs, or influences in motorcycle culture
* "The Rider" as subaltern or as "other"
* Explorations of movies, films, or other images of motorcyclists in society
* Analyses of media, corporate, advertising/marketing or other power
structures in relation to motorcycling culture or popular myth
* Biographical analyses of noteworthy motorcyclists or groups and their
influence upon myth, culture, or cultural capital
* Racial, gendered, class, or demographic aspects of motorcycle culture
* Explorations of issues of safety, transportation, environment, and
* Other literary, anthropological, geographical, historical, sociological,
political economic/business or psychological perspectives of motorcycling
culture or myth

IJMS seeks to maintain a high standard of quality as well as readability.
Given the inherently interdisciplinary nature of the journal, you should
present your thoughts in a way that is open to readers not involved in your
field. Essays, then, should be written in clear English in a style
accessible to the broadest possible audience and should be no more than 5000

Submission Procedure: You must query first. Before submitting an article
for IJMS, please email the managing editors a 150-word abstract of the piece
in the body of your email. Include a three- to four-sentence biography in
the same email including, if appropriate, relevant publications and/or
professional activities.

The manuscript referred to in the query must not be previously published,
nor should it be submitted for publication elsewhere while under review by
the journal's editorial board or outside readers. All essays will be
subject to blind peer review.

If your query is accepted, detailed manuscript and graphic guidelines will
be sent to you via e-mail. The deadline for essays will be DECEMBER 1, 2004.

Please send queries or questions to the Managing Editors: Suzanne Ferriss,
Nova Southeastern University, USA and Wendy Moon, University of Southern
California, USA. E-mail:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Sep 17 2004 - 17:04:54 EDT