CFP: Sonia Sanchez & the Black Arts Movement (1/5/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
F Elaine DeLancey
contact email: 

10.2 Special issue of BMa: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review
on Sonia Sanchez & the Black Arts Movement

Essays are invited for a special issue of BMa in which the focus is on
the work of a poet who has been described as one of the ?greatest poets
to emerge from the Black Arts Movement.?

Essays should explicitly locate Sonia Sanchez within the context of the
Black Arts Movement and then examine the extent to which BAM influenced
her work in the following areas:


? Poetry
               Love poems
           Expansive Narrative poems
   Prose poems
? Children?s stories
? Drama

Essays that focus on the following will also be considered:

? Sonia Sanchez as a performance artist
? Sonia Sanchez?s relationship with other artists
? Visual Artists--- Sanchez?s collaboration with visual artists of the
Black Arts Movement as revealed in her poetry, particularly the
relationship that she shared with Ademola Olugebefola who designed the
cover of A Blues Book for Blue Black Magical Women
? Jazz Musicians--- the impact of jazz musicians upon Sanchez?s work,
especially that of John Coltrane and her relationship/collaboration
with contemporary jazz musicians.

? Spoken Word---Sanchez?s unique relationship with younger generation
spoken word artists.

Submission Information:

Essays (4000-6000 words, including notes) should follow MLA Style(4th
Edition; 1995) and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.

An electronic Statement of Intention with 250 word proposal should be
submitted to F. E. De Lancey, Editor at

Essays in triplicate are due January 5, 2005 and should be mailed to:

F. E. De Lancey,
Editor, BMa: The Sonia Sanchez Literary Review
Department of English and Philosophy
5050 MacAlister Hall
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Sep 17 2004 - 16:46:52 EDT
