CFP: American Memory (11/26/04; journal issue)

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Xchanges â€"
From: Joy Burnett, Editor (
Date: 24 September 04

***Call for Papers***
Issue 4.2 â€" American Memory
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 26, 2004

The next issue of Xchanges, an e-journal encouraging
exchange between all areas of the humanities, will appear in
February 2005. The editors invite submissions of scholarly
articles (up to 4000 words) on any theme relating
to "American Memory." We encourage scholars from all
humanities-related fields to submit work. Scholars from
certain branches of the social sciences may also find the
journal well-suited to their interests.

Xchanges submissions are subjected to a blind, peer-review
process. Each submission is reviewed by three reviewers,
each a specialist in the field in which the paper was
submitted. Xchanges either accepts or denies submissions;
there is no opportunity for revision and resubmission.
Scholars who hope to publish will find Xchanges an
innovative forum for scholarly work and will be pleased with
the quick reply-time for submissions. We either accept or
deny submissions within two months of the submission
deadline; the journal is published within three months of
the submission deadline.

Xchanges is a component of the Y/X Project of the American
Studies Program at Wayne State University and is made
possible by the Rushton Endowment. Xchanges solicits work
from scholars on the graduate level and is also eager to
include exceptional papers by upper-level undergraduate
students. For more information, please visit

Direct electronic correspondence, including submissions, to
Joy Burnett, editor:

Direct USPS correspondence, or submissions on disk, to:
Joy Burnett
English Department
Wayne State University
51 W. Warren
Detroit, MI 48201
tel: (313) 577-8631

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Sep 29 2004 - 15:07:58 EDT